
Dr. Sebi's Recipe Book - Updated

Dr. Sebi's Recipe Book - Updated

Overview: Dr. Sebi is the founder of electric foods, there is a cookbook available online that is free to help people transition. However, the cookbook found on other websites is out of date because the nutritional guide has improved and has omitted some ingredients. The updated version below contains the necessary changes to Dr. Sebi's recipe book to be up to date with his nutritional guide of electric foods, it has been updated by Manolo Ramiro. These revision include ingredient substitutions, changes in oils made for cooking, measurement corrections and word verification. Also note that the bromide plus powder that is sold by Dr. Sebi's Cell Food is a combination of Irish moss and bladderwrack, both of these ingredients are sea vegetables. For those with a gluten allergy or celiac disease the *gluten-free recipes are marked appropriately.