
Seed or Nut Butter

Here's a simple recipe to make butters from seeds and nuts. This seed or nut butter can also be used to make vegan milk.

  • 1 cup seed or nuts (i.e. Brazilian Nut, Hempseed, Raw Sesame Seeds or Walnuts)
  • sea salt (optional)

  • Food Processor

  1. Pour 1/2 cup or more of seed or nuts in the food processor. 
  2. Process on high until the texture is that of a thick butter. You may need to scrape off the sides of the food processor and continue processing.
  3. Remove from food processor.

*Use 1 Tbsp of seed or nut butter to 1 cup of water and blend on high for 3 min to make milk. Serve. Straining is optional.