
Review - Small Cleansing Package - Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

Small Cleansing Package - Dr. Sebi's Cell Food
Small Cleansing Package - Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

Dr. Sebi's Cell Food Small Cleansing Package contains the following three products, Bio Ferro, Viento and Chelation 2. Both Bio Ferro and Viento can be purchased separately but Chelation2 is only available in this package and others. Chelation2 will increase your bowel movements 3-6 times daily while removing toxins, acids and mucus from the body. The small cleansing package did more than I expected it would to my body.

First off, I'd like to say that this review is specific to my body and my point of view. I can only imagine that each person will have a different experience with these products according to their perspective. The small cleansing package definitely worked for me. It cleansed my body while at the same time nourishing it. I say nourishment, because I had felt the nourishment from the herbs.

Although I had gone several years eating from the nutritional food guide and drinking Irish moss and bladderwrack almost daily, there was no question that my bowel movements were much greater while only eating a bit. This cleanse showed me that by only eating from the nutritional guide I was maintaining the with minimal endurance. However, after the cleanse it was clear that a lot of junk was taken out of my system. My mind was so clear, it was as if all my body needed was met and I was able to start fresh. I noticed how much free time I had and energy, but the lack of constructive habits showed only idle time. It seemed that my body was free of the concern of food and lack of nutrition, there were no food cravings, my mind and body were uninterrupted. It felt great every time I had a bowel movement as well because I felt cleaner and more alive each time. 

The problem I have is partial. On one hand, halfway through the cleanse, I decided to give my wife the other half to begin her cleanse. Her results were amazing as well, she has more food cravings than myself as a pescatarian. As soon as she started the cleanse her cravings were at bay and she was barely hungry and felt fully nourished. Her cravings disappeared and she was able to focus on her work easier. I'm glad I shared the cleanse with my wife, because there's no use in only one of us being healthy at a time. 

Two months later, I see the effect the cleanse has had on me. Although the cravings slowly crept back, when I slipped and indulged in junk food I was no longer a victim of stress. Now, stress was the main reason I wanted to do the cleanse and while I was on the cleanse I was also taking another Dr. Sebi product named Banju. I now feel that my body has more stamina, meaning that a small amount of food will give me energy for a longer amount of time. My endurance has also increased because when I ate junk food it didn't have me crashing down. A cleanse on a cellular level is the best way to describe Dr. Sebi's small cleansing package. This product definitely works and I feel great while on it. I'm excited to do the cleanse again as soon as possible. Dr. Sebi's Cell Food encourages all his products to be accompanied by eating from the nutritional guide. To learn more about eating from the nutritional guide use our electric food recipes which use only ingredients from Dr. Sebi's nutritional guide or purchase our Electric Food Meal Plan.

Key Benefits: The Small Cleansing Package is comprised of Chelation2, Bio Ferro and Viento. This cleansing package is designed to cleanse and re-nourish your body at the cellular level. The package will help rid the body of mucus, toxins and acids which accumulate throughout the body. It will also nourish and purify the blood and will bring the entire body to a healthy state. - Dr. Sebi's Cell Food

Small Cleansing Package Ingredients (as indicated by the bottles):

Bio Ferro Ingredients: Yellow Dock, Burdock Root, Elderberry, Cocolmeca, Sarsaparilla

Chelation2 Ingredients: Cascara Sagrada, Prodigiosa, Rhubarb Root

Viento Ingredients: Sapo, Hombre Grande, Chaparral, Valeriana, Bladderwrack

source: drsebiscellfood