
Electric Green Smoothie

Electric Green Smoothie made in a blender in case you don't have a juicer. Matter of fact, it's even better in a blender because it includes the fibers in the complete vegetable.

Let's get some more greens into our bodies one smoothie at a time. At the grocery store you may find Naked juice drinks or Bolthouse Farms but the green juices at the grocery store is mostly apple juice. So I've made a quick work around to making a drink that doesn't taste as green. Blenders as opposed to juicers, a blender will keep all the fibers so you'll be having the full spectrum of the apples and greens. The banana helps pull in all the flying fibers so that it doesn't feel like you're having a mouth full of grass.

It's all about consistency. If you have this green smoothie each morning you'll have boosted the chlorophyll in your diet rapidly. Some of the most nutritiously potent greens are dandelion greens, lamb's quarters and amaranth greens. Dandelion greens are easily found at a grocery store, they also grow in the wild. You may know dandelion greens as weeds, but dandelion greens are rich in iron and are ignored main stream but nature keeps reminding us to eat them every Spring. Learn more about the best plant-based electric foods.

  •  3-4 baby bananas (equivalent amount to 1 regular banana)
  • 1 apple or pear
  • 1-2 to 1 cup dandelion greens (or other greens i.e. kale, amaranth greens) - I highly recommend dandelion greens because they are the most potent in nutrition. Use the leaves and leave out the stems to make less bitter. 
  • 1/2 cup apple juice or pear juice or white grape juice
  • 1/2 cup spring water (add more if needed)
  • 3-6 ice cubes 
*apple cider is less processed than apple juice and is also sweeter and would allow you to use more water instead

*you may find it easier to drink if cold

  • Blender

  1. Chop apple or pear if using into small chunks. 
  2. Put dandelion greens into a bowl and pour in water to rinse off. 
  3. Cut off the stems (to make less bitter)
  4. Take the greens out of the bowl and squeeze off excess water. 
  5. Add all ingredients into the blender. 
  6. Blend on high for 20-40 seconds or until smooth.